
How big were you when

Once I hit the age of twelve I started becomming very chubby. Don't remember the exact weight.but, I was like hey I like this! By high school I peaked at 315. I literally stopped eating. I got down to 290 and heald steady. Dropped to 270 during summers. Back up to 290 on winters.never really bothered me. Decided about a year ago I hate the extra weight. I'm an "animated" person and like to do lots of things. I eat healthy and work out, down to 250 now. I want to be thinner only because the weight gets in the way of my fun. I am by no means bashing anyone who wants to gain. Its just not for me. But pretty much every routine in daily life changes for me. From waking up, showering, and getting dressed. Getting in my car,working on my car. Everything is different. No matter how thin I ever get, I will always have a lot of appreciation for women with curves, and respect for those who choose to gain. Male or female. Sorry about my rambling on and if I strayed from topic too much. Its something on my mind and I figured this crowd is the only one that would ever listen.
14 years